Soggy basement solutions

Soggy basement solutions

These Medford homeowners had water coming through two basement windows and ultimately into their home during heavy rains. The problem found was both window wells had hard-pack soil underneath which did not allow for any water infiltration.

Two solutions were implemented. In the first window well, which also served as the emergency egress for the basement space, an EcoBlok was buried into the gravel bed of the window well. This permeable block acts as a small drywell, capturing water and allowing it to seep into the sub-soil. While the plastic nature of the block serves as a solid bed for gravel and ultimately the weight of a person so that the space can be used as for emergency escape.

The second window well was smaller and had a patio installed around it. Here the ground was hard clay just below the window well. A French drain was installed in this area to capture water run off before it entered the basement window. The French drain was directed into lateral pipes which allowed the water to seep into the backyard away from the house, and feed the grass and plants in the area.


Medford, MA
Drainage solutions, Water mitigation, French Drain, Drywell